Edinburgh Napier University Awarded Quality Assurance Mark
22 July 2015
Following its review in February and March 2015, the Quality Assurance Agency judged that Edinburgh Napier has effective arrangements for managing academic standards and enhancing the international student learning experience.
Amongst the highlights noted in the report were the strong partnership between academic and professional support staff and excellent personalised student experience provided by the University. Professor Alistair Sambell, Vice Principal and Deputy Vice Chancellor, said: "This is the best possible judgment for us, with the report identifying many areas of positive practice, including our partnership with students and our excellent personalised student experience.”
A successful review means that Edinburgh Napier University can display the QAA Quality Mark, indicating to international students that the University meets national requirements for standards and quality.
Meet Edinburgh Napier University as they visit SI-UK London on Thursday 23rd July. Arrange your free 20-minute private appointment today!